Escapist 2 Easy Way to Eat Cyan Keycard
At the beginning of the game, there are only 3 prisons unlocked and available to play; Center Perks 2.0, Cougar Creek Railroad, and Rattlesnake Springs. The remaining 7 are locked by a certain number of keys. Keys are obtained by escaping from prisons in different ways with 3-4 available for each prison. For the Classic Prisons, there is always 1 available for a Perimeter Breakout; escaping via digging, cutting, or beating your way out. The remaining keys for the Classic Prisons along with everything for the Transport Prisons are for Unique Breakouts. In addition, every prison has one escape method that is a multiplayer only method because it requires two people to accomplish. Each different method of escaping (with all Perimeter Breakouts lumped into one) will earn you a key. You can check which keys you have earned by navigating to the Criminal Record menu on the main page.
Keys Required to Unlock Prisons:
K.A.P.O.W Camp - 3
H.M.P. Offshore - 3
H.M.S. Orca - 3
Fort Tundra - 6
Area 17 - 6
Air Force Con - 6
U.S.S. Anomaly - 10
NOTE: This walkthrough will only detail the minimum escapes necessary to obtain all the achievements. It will not detail how to obtain all the keys in the game.
This is used to interact with items and characters around the map, select things, and use whatever your active item is in escape attempts.
This is used to drop items by holding it.
This opens up your character menu that shows you your stats, crafting window, and favors window.
Use these to cycle through windows in the character menu, or to cycle through your items currently in your inventory as you are running around.
Used to block attacks from guards/inmates.
Used to attack guards/inmates. Hold to charge an attack and do more damage.
Pulls up a large scale view of the map where you can cycle through floor and vent views and see where places and people are in real time.
Moving around.
Makes you surrender and get sent to Solitary.
Classic Prisons
Center Perks 2.0, Rattlesnake Springs, K.A.P.O.W. Camp, H.M.P. Offshore, Fort Tundra, Area 17, U.S.S. Anomaly
Each of these prisons have a handful of unique aspects about them that will be detailed in the "Story Walkthrough" section. However, there are a lot of generic mechanics that will be reviewed here.
Daily Routine
Every prison has a unique schedule throughout the day broken down into 1 hour periods of the following activities. Sometimes these last longer than an hour, but never shorter.
Meals- Always held in the cafeteria. If you're low on energy, grab a tray and sit down to eat a meal. Otherwise, it's a useful time when all inmates are in one location if you need to find someone specifically.
Exercise- This time is dedicated to raising two of your three stats in the game; Strength and Fitness. There are always two different kinds of machines, one for each stat and you can use this time to buff those up.
Job- Some prisons start you out with a job, in which case the arrow will point you to the right location during this time. If you don't know what to do when you get to your job, there is usually a plaque that tells you how to accomplish it. If you don't have a job, the arrow will direct you to the Job Office where you just sit. There is also a nearby plaque with job postings and if any of the jobs open up from someone slacking and not doing it, you can apply for the job and start it right away. Completing your job quota will earn you a little money, otherwise you get a strike for failing. Three strikes and you lose your job.
Free Time- This is the best time of the day. It gives you an opportunity to wander around, learn the map, search for items you need, or buff up your stats. It's also a prime time to escape once you have everything set up and ready to go.
Roll Call- This is the most mandatory aspect of your routine. It's held in some central location for all the inmates and it's where they announce any random desk searches of inmates. If you ever get chosen for a desk search and are found with contraband, you will be sent to Solitary. If you miss Roll Call, the prison will go into lockdown until you are found.
Lights Out- This is the time of day when you are required to be in your cell sleeping. If you've prefer to get to the morning quickly, you can lay down in your bed and time will fast forward to morning. Otherwise, you can organize your desk or potentially work on snooping around the prison if you can get out of your cell.
Searching Desks
This is going to be your main source of item gathering in order to escape. Every inmate has their own desk, usually in their cell. You can go into any other inmate's cell throughout the day and search their desk. It takes a few seconds to actually get in and see what they have, but once you do, you can take any/all of it. The items in desks are randomized every day, so it's a good activity to search through all the desks every single day for what you need. Sometimes there are random desks throughout the prison that can also be searched. If a guard or a security camera sees you while you're searching a desk, they won't be too happy and will yell at you. If you leave immediately, you can often avoid being beaten up for it.
Contraband and Metal Detectors
Contraband items are signified with a red background and are things inmates are not supposed to have; such as screwdrivers, duct tape, razor blades, etc. Your desk has space to hide up to 6 contraband items (press to place an item in the hidden compartment when viewing your desk) and protects them from being found during a random desk search. If you're ever carrying contraband and get beat up, the guards will steal your contraband and you'll have to go off searching for it again. On some prisons, there are metal detectors in various places that have a green light over them. If you walk through one of these carrying contraband (it doesn't have to be metal contraband!), it will set off the alarm and all the guards will be on you in seconds. In order to avoid this, you can create a Contraband Pouch (Duct Tape + Tin Foil) and carry that in your inventory while you have contraband items on you. This will prevent a metal detector from going off when you walk through. But, be careful because the contraband pouch has a durability and it goes down each time you use it to pass through a detector.
Crafting is your main route through to game to gets items that are actually useful in your escape attempts. You will be gathering various common items around the map and then combining them to form useful things. The crafting menu is accessible by pressing and then navigating to the middle menu. Crafting is broken down into 5 tiers of items requiring increasing levels of Intellect. When you have the items to craft something, you have 2 options. First, you can select each item from your inventory with the crafting menu open. They will populate up to 3 of the space available and you can press the "Craft" button. Otherwise, you can navigate through the tiers to find your desired item and it will be colored in instead of greyed out. Hold
over it's image to craft it.
Beating People Up
You can beat up any inmate or guard in a prison. All other characters (medics, guards, random NPCs, etc.) cannot be attacked. When you fight, each person will have a health bar that depletes. Obviously, once it goes all the way down, the person passes out on the ground. When this happens, you can interact with their body to search it. Here, one menu shows their inventory and the other shows their stats, job, and equips. Whenever someone gets beaten up, a medic will run from the hospital room to grab the body and return it to be healed. You only have until the medic shows up to search the body.
Guard Heat
Guard Heat represents how much attention is being paid to you by the guards. Doing everything you are supposed to will keep your heat at 0 or slowly lower it if it's not at 0. Otherwise, doing bad things raises this. Most importantly, if you attack a guard, your heat will automatically go to 100. Whenever your heat is greater than 70, other guards that see you will come attack you. Furthermore, many prisons have snipers that will shoot at you when you're outside if your heat is greater than 70.
Prison Security Level
The security level of the prison is represented by gold stars under your mini-map. Missing routines will usually raise this by half a star at a time. Each additional star that goes up adds things to the prison such as extra guards or dogs that will walk around sniffing out contraband. Every day, this will reduce by 2-3 full stars over night. If it ever reaches 5 full stars, the prison goes into lockdown.
Keys, Keycards, and Special Doors
You will be making a lot of keys to escape prisons. The reason being is that many doors are colored and can only be passed through with the right colored key. The types of doors are as follows:
Yellow- Cell doors. Open all day until lights out and then they lock.
Purple- Many miscellaneous building doors. Open during the day and lock at night.
Red- Usually the places where only guards are supposed to go so they are locked all the time. More than likely leads to your escape routes.
Green- Locks job areas. If you have a specific job, you can enter your green door, but none others.
Cyan- Maintenance doors, locked all the time.
All of these door types have a corresponding key that can be copied to walk freely through its door. A copy is made first by creating a Wad of Putty by combining Talcum Powder + Tube of Toothpaste. Then combine the key taken from a guard with the Wad of Putty to get a Key Mold. Make sure you replace the key on the guards body before the medic takes it away otherwise the prison will lock down. If you don't make it in time, drop the key and run away. Next, melt some plastic by combining Lighter+Comb/Toothbrush to get M olten Plastic. Combine the Molten Plastic + Key Mold to get a Plastic Key. This key has a durability and will go down by 10% every time you walk through a corresponding door that uses it.
Keycards also have special doors that are limited to Cyan or Red. A keycard copy can be made by taking a Wire and Circuit Board with you when you find the with the keycard. Combining both items with the keycard gives you a Keycard Copy. Combine a Molten Plastic with this to make your Plastic Keycard.
The remaining three types of special doors are as follows:
Multiplayer- Red-ish door, needs two players to open. One to push the button and the second to slip through the crack. Then the second player presses the interior button and the first player can clip through.
Medic- Located in the hospital area. Wearing a medic outfit can let you pass through.
Guard- Usually located in the Command Room. Wearing a guard uniform will let you pass through.
Doing Things You Shouldn't Be
Anytime you get seen by a guard doing something you shouldn't will raise your guard heat. This included fighting inmates, stealing things off bodies, searching desks, digging, cutting, flushing things, etc.
Anytime a key gets lost (i.e. you didn't place it on the body before it was taken away) the prison goes into lockdown. You have to return to your cell immediately. If you have guard heat, you will be attacked by guards and dogs. If you have a key on you (the actual key, not a copy) the dogs will sniff it out and find you.
Solitary Confinement
If you get caught in an escape attempt or with a key or you surrender, you are sent to Solitary. usually you stay for 1-4 minutes without being able to go anywhere. If you want to reduce your time, you can play the potato peeling mini-game that will remove some of your time for each potato peeled. There is a grinding achievement for spending time in Solitary as well.
Inmates that have a symbol over their head are either asking for a favor (green exclamation point) or selling things as a vendor (gold coin). Interacting with them opens the corresponding screen. Favors involve searching for things and can be found more easily by following the yellow/gold marker that appears on your mini-map when you get a favor.
Transport Prisons
Cougar Creek Railroad, H.M.S. Orca, Air Force Con
Transport Prisons are a new addition to the Escapists gameplay and alter a significant amount of the overall prison mechanics you may be used to. The good news is, they are very quick to get the hang of, can be restarted easily, and are a faster escape when compared to the classic prisons.
Mechanics that don't play a role in escaping: Perimeter Breakouts, Daily Routines, Jobs, Exercise, Other Inmates, Solitary Confinement, Doors Needing Keys, Losing Contraband When Caught
You will always start out in your cell and your timer for escaping in the top right will begin to tick down. There is no reason to wait around for anything in the beginning and your cell door is unlocked (Very High Security...), so let's jump right in. The key to escaping quick is learning the walking patterns of all the guards. They have a set path they follow and you can use that to your advantage as you move around the map. Unfortunately, you are never supposed to leave your cell, so if a guard sees you in their line of vision, they will immediately start chasing you and attempt to beat you up. However, they will never sense if you are near, so if a guard is facing away from you, just make sure you never pass in their line of vision and you will be safe. Once you can travel around the map effectively, your goal is to search any and all desks that you come across to find a handful of necessary items to escape. Usually there are 3-5 items needed to be found. Once you find the items, craft some special thing to help you escape, go to the right spot on the map, and BAM! You're free.
General Tips and Tricks:
-Lockers are your best friend! If at any point a guard is chasing you, or is about to walk back your way, find a nearby locker and hide in it. Even if a guard sees you get into the locker, they will give up and leave pretty quickly. The only time this doesn't work is if the guard catches up to you before your animation for getting into the locker finishes. Then they will catch you.
-Use the mini map coverage to help you learn the patterns of guards in adjacent rooms that you cannot actually see.
-Don't rush! You actually have plenty of time despite the ominous clock ticking down in the corner.
-You don't have to start over if you get caught with contraband. You will lose it from your inventory, but instead of having to hunt through desks to find the item(s) again, there is only one desk you need to go to. In each map, there is one location next to the "command room" or whatever you want to call it. It's the one with all the big screens and has a special symbol on your mini-map. Go there without being seen and there is a desk in a tiny room next to it that holds all of your contraband from when you get caught. It saves a ton of time from having to hunt through the whole map again.
-If you do have to restart the map, unfortunately items spawn randomly in desks so you cannot learn where specific things will spawn.
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